Sunday, November 28, 2010

Small Girls Laughing All the Day

so I am FINALLY sitting down and updating my blog! about time, I know:) and after over three months of being here I am finally going to dedicate an entry to my day to day action. Here is the story of the adventure I get to have everday! I wake up every mornign at 7:00 and embark on my 45 minutes commute to work at 8:15 sharp. I walk about 15 minutes to the metro, ride the metro for a little over 15 minutes and sit down at my desk promptly at 9:00. This gives me 20 minutes to prepare all graphics(aka entertaining material) for my lessons.  I teach two different levels of classes. My babies are my book 1 class and they are all around 3 years old and absolutely precious! I only have one class of babies, my other 6 classes are my book 3 classes. These kids are mostly all 4 and 5 years old, although I do have a few 6 year olds.  So this makes for a total of 7 classes a day for me. My first block of classes begin at 9:20 and end at 11:00. the book 1 class is only 20 minutes long and all of my book 3 classes are 25 minutes long. My second block of classes begin at 2:50 at my second school which is 45 minutes away from my first school. So I go perform for 4 classes, take a really really long lunch break and conclude my afternoon with a second round of performances for 3 classes.  Its funny because when you are teaching kids that are 3-6 years old and dont speak english it really is ALL about keeping them entertained with songs, funny faces and dramatic actions(which I must say I am pretty good at dramatizing lessons for little kids, its so FUN:) Me and Amanda(my dear friend who teaches at the same school as me in the afternoons) always say "alright, we are on in 5. get ready!" cuz its litterally like we go in and put a show on for these kids. All of my classes have the same basic structure; I open class by randomly calling on a few students and asking them a question about something we learned in a previous lesson or something they learned from past books(book 1 is their first semester, book 2 is their semester and so on). Then we sing the "good morning song" in my book 1 class and the "greeting song" in my book 3 classes.  After this song we learn new words or new dialague, play a game with the new content and then learn a new song that incorporates what we just learned. So....I SING A LOT OF SONGS!! And since I teach 6 classes the same thing everyday, I am pretty much pro at the songs and giving the lesson by the end of the day.
the break down of my classes:
Book 1: my babies:)
this class has been the one that has the most difficult for me to get used to teaching. They literally down speak any enlgish so its been a real challenge trying to figure out activites and games that I can use in my lessons and its very challenging trying to relay the information to them. Luckily I do have their teachers in the class with me most of the time and one of them did an internship at Disney World so her english is really good! I am also loving this class because the kids are pretty well behaved. I feel like they havent quite figured out that they can think for themselves and can beat up their neighbor when the teacher isnt looking. they are really good at sitting in their seats and paying attention to the lesson(as long as I am entertaining enough of course). but my older kids are completely different!
Book 3: my handfuls!
My kids in my book 3 classes are very diiferent from my babies becuase they have figured out how fun it is to maul the kid sitting next to them. I have 3 book 3 classes that are riduculously rambunctious! they cannot keep their hands off of each other! But then I have 2 classes that are usually pretty good and 1 class that are my little angles:) I know that I am not supposed to have faves as a teacher but I cant help myself! This class is always so good, has the cutest kids and has most of my smartest kids in it as well. I want to put every single kid in this class in my suitecase and bring them home. they are so freaking adorable! I cant stand it.
 So after I finish my last class I head back to the office in my afternoon class and meet up with Amanda. Here we put our jackets on and organize our things before leaving the school. BUT while we are doing this we HAVE to make sure that we are down the three flights of stairs to the exit before 4:00 on the dot! if not, we will have to struggle through the mob of parents who are anxious to retrieve their children.  All of the parents have to wait outside the school doors until 4:00 when they are allowed to go get their kids. Its like crazy shopaholics waiting outside the mall before Black Friday.  Once those doors are opened theres no getting through the crowd.  If we dont make it all the way to the exit before 4:00 me and amanda have to seek asylum in a little nook under the stairs on the first floor where we wait till the stampede has passed and it is safe to head to the exit! hahaha. Once we are outside we walk out of the gates and walk to the end of the road that the school is on where we chat about our classes and whats going on in our lives. We stand here and get to see all of our kids as they head home with their parents or grandparents. Its seriously our favorite part of the day! the kids freak out when they see us even though we litterally just saw them 10 minutes ago. Its so cute:) They will start yelling our names right when we get into sight or if they dont their granparents(who loooooove us english teachers) will bring them over to us and force them to say goodbye to us. They will even sometimes start talking to us in chinese even though we have absolutely no idea what they are saying, the grandparents are histerical. it was actually a little old chinese man who inspired the title of this blog. as he was walking past us chatting and laughing he stuck his head into our conversation, this old man had to have been in his 80s, said "small girls laughing all the day" IN ENGLISH! it was insane! Where my schools are is NOWHERE I would ever think to find an old man who speaks enligh. and the ONE that does exist pops his head into our conversation and imparts some piece of wisdom or old saying on us. We about died laughing. Anyways, back to the kids. Here are some pics of my classes and students!
Ziven is winking while we sing the greeting song
This is my fave class:)
George is in my fave class and is one that I want to bring home
I want to bring Laura home too
and Mickey too, I love the pose he is striking here. He is also one of my smartest!
William:) with Cherry and Jay behind
hahaha! I LOVE Tom! He is always doing some move from his favorite action figure character called UltraMan. Here he is doing the motions to the song with his upper body but is lower body is doing something completely different. typical Tom:) he makes me laugh everyday
AND TEDDY! I am in love with this child! he is so cute! We are both giggling about something he said:)
This is Wendy! the little girl that I wait to see after school everyday and will not leave until she comes out. She is a little ball of energy. Suprisingly she is able to behave herself quite well through class and is really smart but once she is out she is like a snitch that you cant catch. Now that she knows that I wait for her she will come down the street and scream a really high pitch loud scream until I look in her direction. Then she kinda crouches down and runs full speed towards me till I catch her before she runs into the busy street. She loves this game but sometimes it gives me a heartattack because she just runs and doesn't pay attention to any cars around her!
One of my fave classes and we are singing one of my favorites songs! The Time song where we are acting like clocks!