Tuesday, September 7, 2010

a couple good stories

I have a few good stories that I HAVE to tell before I start blogging about whats goin on now:

first one:
So during the week of orientation CIEE took us to the World Expo, which is like the world fair. Hundreds of different countries from around the world come to the expo and build crazy buildings where they display different things from their culture and country. These buildings are insane. Usually people wait anywhere from 1-11 hours in line to get into these pavilloins. There was noooo way we were going to wait that long to get into a building because it was insanely hot that day. So we all headed to the African pavillion where there was no line and a lot to see. In this pavillion a ton of African countries came together and each one had an area that in which they could display things that are significant to their country. So we wondered around the pavillion, Me,Jessica,Jami and Alice. As we walked through one of the smaller countries pavillions and were standing in the middle of the display when one person asked to take a picture with us. We of course said yes, not knowing that this would lead to 30 minutes of people asking to take pictures of us. We seriously stood there while people took turns jumping in the middle of us and took pictures! We were laughing so hard and our faces serioulsy hurt from holding a smile on our face for that long. finally we were able to break away!but as we walked around some more people kept asking to take a picture with us. AND we noticed that people were taking videos of us! It was like they had never seen someone from America before. so after much love at the African pavillion we wondered outside and found that the Cuban pavillion had no line to get in either. naturally we seized the opportunity to escape the heat. but once we were inside another photo shoot began! I timed this one and it seriously lasted over 45 minutes. Of course by the end of this one I had my red carpet and Miss America smile down to perfection:) It was out of control how people just kept asking to take photos with us and jumping in as soon as one person left. People were pushing their kids into the shot to take a picture with the Americans. here are just two pics of 129,387,291,837,129,387 that were taken that day1

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