Monday, September 6, 2010

hello from Shanghai!

yay! I can finally blog! so..I have been in Shanghai for a little over two weeks now and I am absolutely loving it! I dont really know where to begin because so much has happened so I will start by just summing up where I am now. After having orientation for the first week, which was a blast and I have the best people doing this here with me, I moved into my house last Sunday. Originally I was supposed to live in an apartment by myself but at the last minute one of the apartments fell through and our program director asked us if two of us would be willing to share a place. Me and Jami instantly jumped on the offer. I was so excited! I love Jami and we got a long so well right away. As we moved in and have been exploring our neighborhood I have become more and more grateful for having a roomie. I dont know if I would have survived my first week without her! We have been having so much fun and had quite a few adventures as well. Every day is something new here. Even going out and trying to find a place to eat is hilarious. We always look for a restaurant that has a picture menu or if we are lucky, a menu in english. An english menu rarely happens tho.

Our apartment is very interesting in itself. It is very spacious and has a lot of good qualities. such and a large living room, which doubles as my bed room, and a nice loft above the living room where Jami's room is. It is also in the best part of Shanghai. Our area is know as the French Concession and is where a lot of great restaurants and shopping is:) The only drawback to our apartment are the kitchen/dining area and the bathroom. The kitchen is just small and not really that inviting, we need to make it a bit more homey. But our bathroom on the other OUTSIDE. We have to walk through a really small courtyard, I would say its about 4 feet by 8 feet, to get to the bathroom. Plus there is no airconditioning in there so it get so flippin hot! Its not really a big deal tho, me and Jami just laugh at it and say that its all about roughing it in CHINA!

I also started school last Thursday. I have 7 classes a day and I teach 3 and 4 year olds. I have one class of 3 year olds and the rest are 4 years old. They are sooo CUTE! I seriously want to take them all home with me! It is a lot of work tho. They can get pretty roudy because they are so little. Its also hard to know what vocabulary I can use becuase I'm really not sure of what they know yet. They school are also dont have AC. For the most part they all have a few fans in them but after jumping, dancing around and hugging/giving high-fives to about 30 students in each class, I am a hot mess. It definitely doesnt help that it is so FLIPPING HOT here and the humidity is out of control. I'll be honest with ya, I am constantly dripping with sweat here. I am pretty attractive by the end of the day:) I have never ever experienced heat like this! needless to say I am stoked for Fall.

All in all I am really ecxited for the year to come. I cant wait to get to know all of my students(I have over 200 of them) and see how they progress and grow. I already love them and they just love their english teachers. at the end of the lesson I go around and give all of them a high-five or a hug and each of them just melt my heart.

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